Monday 20 October 2014

Military ?

Find the ring leader

And remove the threat
military ?

Remove the ring leader

tag along give up

Art of uranium


making trouble

live on a king's estates 

And Edward had children
''To give documents to a lawyer in trust
And he gives them away
Others accept a document given in trust"
political science

A hippie lived on the streets becomes a unscrupulous Chief Operating Officer
Gain control

of a rich estate

Set up

for a malicious snap shot

or speak of rich people

in a malicious way

how long has d'Wayne been a professional epileptic ghost fit artist

Concierge to be president
It is not fair to wear a decoration
''Others work''
A king can end the employment of anyone

If a lord bought all property
Then when he had done this
Speak of compensation for wrongs
Government ( which are a bunch of normal people ) sponsored illegal expropriation  of ''Roman Catholic Church property'' which a lord owned And the lord was still rich enough to buy the property of Europe
every day
in a way
in the years
1992 - 2014

Knew his colleague
from university
as an acquaintance
at university
17 - 23
Robert was one of the most
conservative people there

''Write me at
said a king

So the
His Royal Highness
Prince of Wales
was constantly
speaking to
Mr Gates
Donald Trump
Richard Branson
Warren Buffet
Thomas Boone
Carlos Slim
Jim Pattison

If 95 % of the city are petty criminals

How does one solve that problem ?
destroy that which they love

To this day
he knew a few telephone numbers
And several addresses
lots of friendships mostly at just work though

As if someone drowning
trying to keep his composure

Robert viewed the Battle for Osijek

Like other battles

Artillery 1991 - 2010

All of his experience in the officer's mess


for example
law for private corporations
the Supreme Court of Canada
promises legal services
to Trinity
private corporation
Prime Ministers promise
legal services
for the private corporation
held by
Donald Trump
Richard Branson
Thomas Boone
Bill Gates
Carlos Slim
Warren Buffet
Jim Pattison
owned by
His Royal Highness
The Prince of Wales

it used to be post man wins
not anymore
cousin marries post man
is not legal

cousin marries cousin
malicious to
tell of
destroy a rich person
to buy an apartment
a malicious psychology
of self help

The king was always kind of a neat person because he had a special military education on the Russian front

a rich person
to get money
to buy an
who goes insane at
weakness in rich
As weak rich
is parody essayist

Chad Myers question Answer
Thrust Venus And Mars into a new equilibrium orbit
who listened to the co2 conversation dave dave todd steve ?
Their office is in a house in Mc N--- bay on the ocean on the Island of course
Workaholics their windows are only open 1/2 h each day